
This document is no longer being updated. For the most recent documentation, including the latest release notes for version 6, please refer to Documentation Version 7

Check Health State of Datavault Builder

Making sure it is up and running as supposed is the primary goal of the operations team. For the Datavault Builder, there exist multiple ways to monitor the health of the application.

  1. Docker Containers

    The Datavault Builder is made up of a set of Docker containers. You can use docker monitoring tools to make sure that the containers are running.

    Depending on your type of installation, all or just a part of the following containers need to be running:


    Must have


    Must have


    Must have


    Must have


    Optional, depending on your setup. [1]

    Connection Pool

    Optional, depending on your setup. [2]

  2. Application

    Having all containers up and running does not mean, that the environment is running as it should. To make sure, that the containers are properly interacting with one another and have access to the database, the following API can be used (for details on using the API, please have a look at the API Documentation):

    • checkConnection

    If everything runs fine, the API should be returning two success results:

    {"result": {"error": false, "user_message": "OK", "technical_message": "OK"},
    "fdb_connection_result": {"error": false, "message": "Connection Successful"}}
  3. Load Execution

    Finally, also the loading processes can be monitored using the Datavault Builders APIs. Besides others, for this purpose, mainly two APIs can be used:

    • For monitoring Jobs: getJobsState

    • For monitoring Loads: searchStatusLineage