This document is no longer being updated. For the most recent documentation, including the latest release notes for version 6, please refer to Documentation Version 7
The Datavault Builder relies on a diverse set of tables, views and functions on the processing database. As each database offers different possibilities for the technical implementation of the Data Vault based integration flow, these structures can slightly differ depending on the used database.
Therefore, in this chapter the overall same structures (tables and views) are explained, which can as well be used as source for meta-data analytics.
Be aware, that changes to these structures can affect the system stability and performance and may cause failures!
Upper- or lower cased naming is based on the used database technology (e.g. postgres is lowercase, Exasol is uppercase).
Metadata Views
For performance reasons, for certain types of client databases, the metadata views are materialized to speed up the performance. If the client database does not actually support materialized views, then a table is created instead with the name of the metadata view and the actual view will have the postfix _v
The metadata view lists all access errormart views.
Column |
Meaning |
access_errormart_id |
Complete technical ID of the access errormart. Including Schema. |
access_errormart_name |
Displayed Name of the access errormart. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix for the access errormart. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix. |
business_ruleset_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the underlying business ruleset. |
business_ruleset_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix of the underlying business ruleset. |
parent_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
parent_hub_name |
Displayed Name of the underlying hub. |
access_errormart_comment |
Custom comment about the access errormart. |
The metadata view lists all access layers.
Column |
Meaning |
accesslayer_id |
Complete technical ID of the access layer. Including Schema. |
accesslayer_name |
Displayed Name of the access layer. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix for the access layer. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix. |
parent_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
parent_hub_name |
Displayed Name of the underlying hub. |
accesslayer_comment |
Custom comment about the access layer. |
The metadata view lists all business rulesets.
Column |
Meaning |
business_ruleset_view_id |
Complete technical ID of the business ruleset. Including Schema. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the underlying business object. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix of the underlying business object. |
business_ruleset_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the business ruleset. |
business_ruleset_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the Suffix for the business ruleset. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the system of the granularity satellite. |
system_name |
Displayed Name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
start_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
start_hub_name |
Displayed Name of the underlying hub. |
related_businessobject_view_id |
Technical ID of the underlying business object. Including Schema. |
business_rules_comment |
Custom comment about the business ruleset. |
business_ruleset_name |
Displayed Name of the business ruleset. |
business_rules_view_code |
Defining SQL Code of the business ruleset. |
is_error_ruleset |
Flag, if ruleset is to be delivered into access errormart. |
include_in_accesslayer |
Flag, if ruleset is to be delivered into access layer. |
accesslayer_priorization |
Priorization number of dataset in accesslayer. Lower number means higher priorization. |
quick_inserts |
Configuration of business ruleset editor quick inserts. Stored as JSON. |
The metadata view lists all business objects.
Column |
Meaning |
businessobject_view_id |
Complete technical ID of the business object. Including Schema. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the business object. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix for the business object. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the system of the granularity satellite. |
system_name |
Displayed Name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
businessobject_comment |
Custom comment about the business object. |
start_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
start_hub_name |
Displayed Name of the underlying hub. |
businessobject_name |
Technical ID of the underlying business object. Including Schema. |
businessobject_structure |
Stored Metainformation on the used elements in the business object. Stored as JSON. |
The metadata view lists all columns in the Datavault Builder Schemas.
Column |
Meaning |
schema_id |
Technical ID of the Schema. |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the table. Without Schema. |
column_nq_id |
Technical ID of the column. Without Schema and table. |
column_id |
Technical ID of the column. Including Schema and table. |
column_name |
Displayed Name of the column. |
column_comment |
Custom comment about the column. |
data_type |
Data type of the column. |
data_type_id |
Technical ID of the data type. |
character_maximum_length |
Maximum length of the field. If applicable. |
numeric_precision |
Numeric precision of the field. If applicable. |
numeric_scale |
Numeric scale of the field. If applicable. |
datetime_precision |
Datetime precision of the field. If applicable. |
ordinal_position |
Position of the column within the table/view. |
complete_datatype |
Datatype including precision and scale if applicable. |
The metadata view lists all defined loads into hubs.
Column |
Meaning |
hub_load_id |
Technical ID of the hub load. Without Schema. |
hub_id |
Technical ID of the hub. Without Schema. |
technical_business_key |
SQL Statements which will compose the value of the business key. |
short_business_key |
Displayed business key configuration. |
hub_load_list_entry |
Displayed name of the hub load. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to stage from. Including Schema. |
staging_table_view_id_hash |
CRC32-Hash of the staging table view id. |
keys_are_unique |
Uniqueness is checked when loading the hub. |
keys_are_prehashed |
Keys are already hashed in the source. |
datavault_category_id |
Technical ID of the related datavault category to load (PSA, Raw Vault, Business Vault) |
The staging_table_view_id_hash is as well the content which is written as “source” value during loads into the objects. E.g. by joining the _s field to this view, the source identifier within the data can be resolved to the corresponding load.
The metadata view lists all hubs.
Column |
Meaning |
hub_id |
Technical ID of the hub. Without Schema. |
hub_name |
Displayed name of the hub. |
boid |
Technical ID of the hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
hub_id_of_alias_parent |
Technical ID of the parent hub if the hub is an alias. Without Schema. |
hub_name_of_alias_parent |
Displayed name of the parent hub if the hub is an allias. |
hub_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject area for the hub. |
hub_comment |
Custom comment about the hub. |
hub_is_prototype |
Flag, if hub is just a prototype (without load). |
The metadata view lists all jobs.
Column |
Meaning |
job_id |
Technical ID of the job. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the system the job belongs to. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
job_name |
Displayed name of the job. |
job_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the job. |
job_type |
Add new loads automactically. Values: Auto or manual. |
parallel_loads |
Max. number of globally running loads, which limits another load of the job to be initiated. |
job_comment |
Custom comment about the job. |
job_enabled |
Flag, if job is active or not. |
next_run |
Over all schedules the next planned runtime. |
last_run |
Last initiation time. |
last_run_duration |
Duration of the last job load. |
The metadata view lists the current load info of all datavault loads which were initiated at least once.
Column |
Meaning |
load_entry_time |
Initiation time, when the load was sent into the loading queue. |
object_id |
Technical ID of the datavault object (hub, link or satellite). Without Schema. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to load from. Including Schema. |
load_start_time |
Last initiation time of the load. |
load_end_time |
Last end time of the load. |
load_duration |
Last duration of the load. |
load_state |
Current state of the load. |
load_result |
Result of the last load. |
load_progress |
Number of rows which have currently been processed within the load. |
load_total_rows |
Number of rows to process within the load. Does not have to be equal to the actual number of rows which are inserted (i.e. for hubs only new entries are added) |
login_username |
Displayed name of the initiating user. |
job_id |
Technical ID of the job within the load was initiated if applicable. |
pid |
Process ID in the core, which initiated the load. |
The metadata view lists the current load info of all jobs which were initiated at least once.
Column |
Meaning |
load_entry_time |
Initiation time, when the job was initiated. |
job_id |
Technical ID of the job. |
latest_load_start_time |
Time, when the last job started to initiate loads. |
latest_load_end_time |
Time, when the last job run finished. |
succeeded_load_start_time |
Time, when the last successful load started to load. |
succeeded_load_end_time |
Time, when the last successful job run finished. |
failed_load_start_time |
Time, when the last failed job started to load. |
succeeded_load_duration |
Duration of the last successful job run. |
current_loading_duration |
Duration of the current job run. |
load_state |
Current state of the job. |
load_result |
Result of the last job run. |
username |
Displayed name of the initiating user. |
where_clause_parameters |
Key-Value pairs of parameters which are filled into the where clause for delta loading into staging. Stored as JSON. |
is_delta_load |
Flag, if the current run is a executed as delta load. |
pid |
Process ID in the core, which initiated the job. |
The metadata view lists the current load info of all staging loads which were initiated at least once.
Column |
Meaning |
load_entry_time |
Initiation time, when the load was initiated. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table. Including Schema. |
source_table_id |
Technical ID of the table / view in the source system. |
latest_load_start_time |
Time, when the last load was started. |
latest_load_end_time |
Time, when the last load ended. |
succeeded_load_start_time |
Time, when the last successful load was started. |
succeeded_load_end_time |
Time, when the last successful load ended. |
failed_load_start_time |
Time, when the last failed load was started. |
succeeded_load_duration |
Duration of the last successful load. |
current_loading_duration |
Duration of the current load. |
load_state |
Current state of the load. |
load_result |
Last result of the load. |
load_progress |
Number of loaded rows. |
load_total_rows |
Number of rows to load. |
load_progress_percent |
Percentage processed rows in relation to total rows. |
username |
Displayed name of the initiating user. |
from_system_load |
Flag, if the staging load was initiated as part of a total system load in staging. |
job_id |
Technical ID of the initiating job if applicable. |
pid |
Process ID in the core, which initiated the load. |
The metadata view lists all link loads.
Column |
Meaning |
link_load_id |
Technical ID of the hub load. Without Schema. |
link_id |
Technical ID of the link. Without Schema. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table. Including Schema. |
staging_view_id_hash |
CRC32-Hash of the staging table view id. |
The metadata view lists all link loads.
Column |
Meaning |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the link table. Without Schema. |
link_id |
Technical ID of the link without schema and technical relevant suffix(es). |
boid |
Technical ID of the link without link identifying prefix ( |
hub_a_boid |
Technical ID of the first hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
hub_a_name |
Displayed name of the first hub. |
hub_b_boid |
Technical ID of the second hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
hub_b_name |
Displayed name of the second hub. |
link_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the link. |
link_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix for the link. |
link_type |
Declared / Expected type of link or dummy-entries “linking” hubs to alias hubs. (i.e. many_to_one, many_to_many …) |
link_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject area for the link. |
link_comment |
Custom comment about the link. |
link_name |
Displayed name of the link. |
link_is_prototype |
Flag, if link is just a prototype (without load). |
The metadata view lists all link satellites.
Column |
Meaning |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the linksatellite table. Without Schema. |
linksatellite_id |
Technical ID of the linksatellite without schema and technical relevant suffix(es). |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the linksatellite. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix for the linksatellite. |
linksatellite_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject are for the linksatellite. |
linksatellite_comment |
Custom comment about the linksatellite. |
parent_link_id |
Technical ID of the parent link. |
parent_link_name |
Displayed name of the parent link. |
linksatellite_name |
Displayed name of the linksatellite. |
The metadata view lists the final result of datavault loads without intermediate steps (such as waiting or loading).
Column |
Meaning |
load_entry_id |
Identifying log sequence number. |
load_entry_time |
Inititation time of load. |
object_id |
Technical ID of the datavault object (hub, link or satellite). Without Schema. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to load from. Including Schema. |
load_start_time |
Start time of the load. |
load_end_time |
End time of the load. |
duration |
Duration of the load. |
load_state |
Final state of the load. |
load_result |
Final result of the load. |
load_total_rows |
Total rows to process within the load. |
login_username |
Displayed name of the initiating user. |
load_progress |
Number of rows which have been processed within the load. |
pg_username |
User group of initiating user. |
The metadata view lists the final result of staging loads without intermediate steps (such as waiting or loading).
Column |
Meaning |
load_entry_id |
Identifying log sequence number. |
load_entry_time |
Inititation time of load. |
source_table_id |
Technical ID of the table / view in the source system. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to load from. Including Schema. |
load_start_time |
Start time of the load. |
load_end_time |
End time of the load. |
duration |
Duration of the load. |
load_progress |
Number of rows which have been processed within the load. |
load_total_rows |
Total rows to process within the load. |
load_state |
Final state of the load. |
load_result |
Final result of the load. |
login_username |
Displayed name of the initiating user. |
pg_username |
User group of initiating user. |
The metadata view lists all satellites.
Column |
Meaning |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the satellite table. Without Schema. |
satellite_id |
Technical ID of the satellite without schema and technical relevant suffix(es). |
boid |
Technical ID of the parent hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the satellite. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix for the satellite. |
satellite_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject area for the satellite. |
satellite_comment |
Custom comment about the satellite. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to stage from. Including Schema. |
parent_hub_id |
Technical ID of the parent hub. Without Schema. |
parent_hub_name |
Displayed name of the parent hub. |
satellite_name |
Displayed name of the satellite. |
datavault_category_id |
Technical ID of the related datavault category to load (PSA, Raw Vault, Business Vault). |
The metadata view lists all staging tables.
Column |
Meaning |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to stage from. Including Schema. |
staging_table_name |
Displayed name of the staging table. |
staging_table_display_string |
Displayed name of the staging table including technical ID. |
staging_table_comment |
Custom comment about the staging table. |
staging_table_type_name |
Type name of the staging table (e.g. Table or View). |
staging_table_type_id |
Type id of the staging table (e.g. r for Table or v for View). |
schema_id |
Technical ID for the schema of the staging table. |
schema_name |
Displaye name of the schema. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
source_table_id |
Technical ID of the source table / view loading from. Including Schema. |
source_name |
Displayed name of the source table / view. |
source_table_type_id |
Type id of the source table (i.e. TABLE or VIEW). |
source_object_id |
Technical ID of the source object in the source. |
source_schema_id |
Technical ID for the schema of the source object. |
batch_size |
Batch size to stage the table with (-1 if not defined). |
where_clause_general_part |
SQL based where clause, which is added to each staging load, defining a subset from the source which can be loaded like “full”. |
where_clause_delta_part_template |
SQL based where clause template added to the where clause sent to the source when loading delta. |
is_delta_load |
Flag, if currently loaded data in the staging table is a delta. |
is_up_to_date |
Flag, if all Business Keys and Hashes have been calculated for loaded data. |
The metadata view lists all subject areas.
Column |
Meaning |
subject_area_name |
Displayed name of a subject area. |
The metadata view lists all systems with connection properties.
Column |
Meaning |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
source_type_api |
Technical ID of the API type to connect through (e.g. jdbc_driver, rest_api). |
source_type_id |
Technical ID of the source type to connect to (e.g. postgres, mssql). |
source_type_url |
Technical string used to connect to the source. |
source_type_parameters |
Parameters to connect to the source. Stored as JSON. |
The metadata view lists all user defined systems.
Column |
Meaning |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
The metadata view lists all tables in the Datavault Builder schemas.
Column |
Meaning |
table_id |
Technical ID of the table. Including schema. |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the table. Without schema. |
schema_id |
Technical ID for the schema of the table. |
schema_name |
Displayed name for the schema of the table. |
table_name |
Displayed name of the table. |
table_comment |
Custom comment about the table. |
type_id |
Type id of the staging table (e.g. r for Table or v for View). |
type_name |
Type name of the staging table (e.g. Base Table or View). |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
The metadata view lists all tables in the Datavault Builder schemas without display names and comments.
Column |
Meaning |
table_id |
Technical ID of the table. Including schema. |
schema_id |
Technical ID for the schema of the table. |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the table. Without schema. |
type_id |
Type id of the staging table (e.g. r for Table or v for View). |
type_name |
Type name of the staging table (e.g. Base Table or View). |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
The metadata view lists all tracking satellites.
Column |
Meaning |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the tracking satellite table. Without Schema. |
tracking_satellite_id |
Technical ID of the tracking satellite without schema. |
tracking_satellite_name |
Displayed name of the tracking satellite. |
tracked_object_id |
Technical ID of the tracked datavault object. Without Schema. |
tracked_object_name |
Displayed name of the tracked datavault object. |
is_tracking_a_link |
Flag, if the tracked object is a link. |
is_tracking_a_satellite |
Flag, if the tracked object is a satellite. |
is_delta_load_satellite |
Flag, if the tracking satellite is tracking changes of delta loads. |
is_full_load_satellite |
Flag, if the tracking satellite is tracking changes of full loads. |
last_full_load_time |
Timestamp of the previous full load of the tracking satellite. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
tracking_satellite_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject area for the tracking satellite. |
tracking_satellite_comment |
Custom comment about the tracking satellite. |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to stage from. Including Schema. |
parent_hub_id |
Technical ID of the parent hub. Without Schema. |
parent_hub_name |
Displayed name of the parent hub. |
satellite_name |
Displayed name of the satellite. |
datavault_category_id |
Technical ID of the related datavault category to load (PSA, Raw Vault, Business Vault). |
The metadata view lists all transaction link relations. These are just virtual relations.
Column |
Meaning |
transaction_link_relation_id |
Technical ID of the transaction link relation. |
transaction_link_id |
Technical ID of the related transaction link. |
transaction_link_name |
Displayed name of the transaction link. |
linked_hub_id |
Technical ID of the connected hub. |
linked_hub_name |
Displayed name of the connected hub. |
link_type |
Dummy-entries “linking” transaction links to hubs (e.g. many_to_one, many_to_many …). |
The metadata view lists all transaction links.
Column |
Meaning |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the transaction link table. Without Schema. |
transaction_link_id |
Technical ID of the transaction link. |
boid |
Technical ID of the parent hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the satellite. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix for the satellite. |
transaction_link_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject area for the tracking satellite. |
transaction_link_comment |
Custom comment about the tracking satellite. |
transaction_link_type |
Declared / Expected type of link. (e.g. transaction_link) |
staging_table_id |
Technical ID of the staging table to stage from. Including Schema. |
parent_hub_id |
Technical ID of the parent hub. Without Schema. |
parent_hub_name |
Displayed name of the parent hub. |
transaction_link_name |
Displayed name of the transaction_link. |
datavault_category_id |
Technical ID of the related datavault category to load (PSA, Raw Vault, Business Vault). |
The metadata view lists all view dependencies in the Datavault Builder schemas.
Column |
Meaning |
table_id |
Technical ID of the referenced table/view. Including schema. |
table_schema_id |
Techncial ID for the schema of the referenced table/view. |
table_nq_id |
Technical ID of the referenced table/view. Without schema. |
table_type_id |
Type id of the referenced table/view (e.g. r for Table or v for View). |
dependent_view_id |
Technical ID of the dependent view. Including schema. |
dependent_view_schema_id |
Techncial ID for the schema of the dependent view. |
dependent_view_nq_id |
Technical ID of the dependent view. Without schema. |
dependent_view_type_id |
Type id of the dependent view (e.g. v for View or m for Materialized View). |
The metadata view lists all views in the Datavault Builder schemas.
Column |
Meaning |
view_id |
Technical ID of the view. |
view_nq_id |
Technical ID of the view. Without schema. |
schema_id |
Technical ID for the schema of the view. |
schema_name |
Displayed name for the schema of the view. |
view_is_materialized |
Flag, if the the view is materialized. |
view_code |
SQL code of the view definition. |
metadata_name |
Value of |
metadata_comment |
Value of |
metadata_businessobject_structure |
Value of |
metadata_quick_inserts |
Value of |
metadata_code |
Value of |
metadata_is_error_ruleset |
Value of |
metadata_include_in_accesslayer |
Value of |
metadata_accesslayer_priorization |
Value of |
Helper view to get distinct subset of business ruleset properties.
Column |
Meaning |
start_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
start_hub_name |
Displayed Name of the underlying hub. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the underlying business object. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix of the underlying business object. |
Helper view to get distinct subset of business ruleset properties.
Column |
Meaning |
start_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
start_hub_name |
Displayed Name of the underlying hub. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the underlying business object. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix of the underlying business object. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the system of the granularity satellite. |
system_name |
Displayed Name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
related_businessobject_view_id |
Technical ID of the underlying business object. Including Schema. |
Helper view to get distinct subset of business object properties.
Column |
Meaning |
start_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
start_hub_name |
Displayed Name of the underlying hub. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the business object. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix of the business object. |
Helper view to get distinct subset of business objects properties.
Column |
Meaning |
start_hub_id |
Technical non-qualifying ID of the underlying hub. Without Schema. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the underlying business object. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the system of the granularity satellite. |
system_name |
Displayed Name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
The metadata view to get distinct subset of hub properties.
Column |
Meaning |
hub_id |
Technical ID of the hub. Without Schema. |
boid |
Technical ID of the hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
hub_name |
Displayed name of the hub. |
hub_name_of_alias_parent |
Displayed name of the parent hub if the hub is an allias. |
hub_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject area for the hub. |
hub_comment |
Custom comment about the hub. |
Metadata view to get distinct subset of hub properties.
Column |
Meaning |
hub_id |
Technical ID of the hub. Without Schema. |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
Metadata view to get distinct subset of job properties.
Column |
Meaning |
system_id |
Technical ID of the system the job belongs to. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
The metadata view lists the current load info of all staging and datavault loads which were initiated at least once.
Column |
Meaning |
entry_time |
Initiation time, when the load was initiated. |
source_id |
Technical ID of the source table / staging table. Including Schema. |
target_id |
Technical ID of the staging table / datavault object. |
start_time |
Time, when the last load was started. |
end_time |
Time, when the last load ended. |
duration |
Duration of the current load. |
state |
Current state of the load. |
result |
Last result of the load. |
progress |
Number of loaded rows if applicable. |
total_rows |
Number of rows to load. |
username |
Displayed name of the initiating user. |
job_id |
Technical ID of the initiating job if applicable. |
pid |
Process ID in the core, which initiated the load. |
Metadata view to get distinct subset of link properties.
Column |
Meaning |
link_id |
Technical ID of the link without schema and technical relevant suffix(es). |
boid |
Technical ID of the link without link identifying prefix ( |
hub_a_boid |
Technical ID of the first hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
hub_a_name |
Displayed name of the first hub. |
hub_b_boid |
Technical ID of the second hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
hub_b_name |
Displayed name of the second hub. |
link_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the link. |
link_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix for the link. |
link_type |
Declared / Expected type of link or dummy-entries “linking” hubs to alias hubs. (i.e. many_to_one, many_to_many …) |
link_subject_area_name |
Displayed subject area for the link. |
link_comment |
Custom comment about the link. |
link_name |
Displayed name of the link. |
link_is_prototype |
Flag, if link is just a prototype (without load). |
Metadata view to get distinct subset of link properties.
Column |
Meaning |
link_id |
Technical ID of the link without schema and technical relevant suffix(es). |
system_id |
Technical ID of the system the job belongs to. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
Metadata view to get distinct subset of satellite properties.
Column |
Meaning |
satellite_id |
Technical ID of the satellite without schema and technical relevant suffix(es). |
boid |
Technical ID of the parent hub without hub identifying prefix ( |
system_id |
Technical ID of the source system. |
system_name |
Displayed name of the system. |
system_color |
Displayed color of the system. |
system_comment |
Custom comment about the system. |
functional_suffix_id |
Technical suffix of the satellite. |
functional_suffix_name |
Displayed Name of the suffix for the satellite. |
parent_hub_id |
Technical ID of the parent hub. Without Schema. |
parent_hub_name |
Displayed name of the parent hub. |
Helper view to debug errors related with blocking procedures.
Column |
Meaning |
blocking_pid |
Process ID of the blocking query. |
blocking_user |
User ID of the blocking query. |
blocking_query |
SQL query which is preventing the execution. |
blocked_pid |
Process ID of the blocked query. |
blocked_user |
User ID of the blocked query. |
blocked_query |
SQL query which is prevented from execution. |