
This document is no longer being updated. For the most recent documentation, including the latest release notes for version 6, please refer to Documentation Version 7


Throughout the application, dialogues will guide you through the actions. Three types of dialogues exist:

  • Single Tab Dialogues: One tab, with a completion action in the bottom right corner.

  • Multi Tab Dialogues: Multiple tabs, with a completion action on the last tab in the bottom right corner.

  • Combined Dialogues: Multiple tabs, with a completion action on the first & last tab in the bottom right corner.

Combined dialogues especially appear in the Datavault Core Module, where you can either create prototype objects to develop the logical model (using the completion action on the first tab) or directly declare a load for the new object and using the completion action on the last tab.
Most of the Multi Tab/Combined Dialogues do have a review tab at the end, allowing you to look over the specification of the new object and highlighting missing or falsely declared values.
  1. Dialogue Title

    Title of the current Dialogue. In some cases includes as well the name of the object currently working on (such as a Hub Name).

  2. Dialogue Tabs

    Available tabs in the dialogue. Workflow from left to the right. Only available in Multi Tab or Combined Dialogues. Mostly offer a review section.

  3. Completion Action

    Located in the bottom right, the button to complete the dialogue.

  4. Cancel

    Button to cancel the dialogue. Cancellation can also be done using ESC.