Create, update, run and log your jobsĀ automatically.
Masterjobs per source system are self configuring and updating based on the data mode. No configuration necessary.
Run your jobs directly by scheduling full and delta jobs in Datavault Builder.
Integrate Datavault Builder with your enterprise schedulers like Control-M, UC4, Airflow and others by using it’s Rest APIs.
Define job dependencies directly in Datavault Builder.
Module | Feature | Supported |
Operations | Operations module built-in | Yes |
Operations | Scheduler built-in | Yes |
Operations | Derive masterjobs automatically from model | Yes |
Operations | Parallize within layers | Yes |
Operations | Parallize between layers | Yes |
Operations | Log success and numbers of rows processed | Yes |
Operations | Visualize current state of loads | Yes |
Operations | Chain different jobs | Yes |
Operations | Built in custom post-sql statements | Yes |
Operations | Trigger external REST APIs | Yes |
Operations | Use external scheduling tools like UC4, Control-M, Cronacle or Airflow to start jobs | Yes |
Operations | Jobs are restartable by design | Yes |
Operations | Auto optimize jobs to run in optimal order | Yes |
Operations | Customize load order if required | Yes |