Setting up Backups


Necessary structures and data to backup the state of the installation on the database level. As the Datavault Builder does not have a separate metadata repository, you can also simply backup the current model by creating an export of your database structures, including some configuration tables with data.


The system passwords are usually encrypted. If you would like to be able to restore the state and make use of the stored passwords, make sure to also backup the Datavault Builder configuration (e.g. the yml-file) and the encryption keys and passwords.

Backup without loaded data
  1. Database structures from the following schemas:
    • staging

    • datavault_staging

    • datavault

    • businessobjects

    • businessobjects_pits

    • business_rules

    • accesslayer

    • access_errormart

    • dvb_log

    • dvb_core

    • (sys - triggers)

  2. Database structures and data from the following objects:
    • dvb_config.config

    • dvb_config.system_data

    • dvb_config.system_colors

    • dvb_config.auth_users

    • dvb_config.job_data

    • dvb_config.job_loads

    • dvb_config.job_schedules

    • dvb_config.job_sql_queries

    • dvb_config.job_triggers

    • dvb_config._dvb_runtime_bookmark

Backup with loaded data


To create a backup including the loaded data, make sure to also backup the data from the objects in the schemas mentioned in part 1. above.

Make sure in this case to include the following tables, as they contain load relevant status information:

  • dvb_log.staging_load_log

  • dvb_log.datavault_load_log

  • dvb_log.job_load_log

  • datavault._dvb_runtime_load_data

  • staging._dvb_runtime_table_status