Standardization means implementing the technical model in a certain specific way. To do so, a common naming convention is in place, which allows identifying objects and columns across all Datavault Builder installations.
Upper- or lower cased naming is based on the used database technology (e.g. postgres is lowercase, Exasol is uppercase).
Naming Conventions
Datavault - Main Objects
Identifier |
Meaning |
h_ |
Hub |
s_ |
Satellite |
l_ |
Link |
ls_ |
Linksatellite |
lt_ |
Transaction Link |
Datavault - Object Subtypes
Some of the above objects, mainly satellites, can come in different variants, depending on whether its an effectivity/tracking satellite or a basic satellite.
Identifier |
Meaning |
a |
Altered object (SCD Type 4), containing only changes |
h |
Historized object (SCD Type 2), containing full history |
c |
Current object (SCD Type 1), containing latest state |
o |
Original object (SCD Type 0), containing initial state |
b |
Bitemporal object, containing full bitemporal history (inscription as well as dwh timeline) |
i |
Pointer object (SCD Type 1 for dwh and SCD Type 1 for inscription timeline) for bitemporal history, containing pointer to latest entry over dwh and inscription timeline |
l |
Pointer object (SCD Type 1 for dwh, SCD Type 2 for inscription timeline) for bitemporal history, containing pointer to latest entry per dwh load time for each inscription time |
w_trk[df] |
Tracking object, either for full (_w_trkf) or delta (_w_trkd) loads. Historizes implicit deletes from the source |
p |
Prototype |
drv |
Driving View / Table |
Columns IDs
Identifier |
Meaning |
bk |
Business Key |
h |
Hash of the business key |
s |
Source of the record |
sq[hcoap]? |
Sequence |
lt[hcoap]? |
Load time |
it[hcoap]? |
Inscription time |
ls[hcoap]? |
Last seen |
ll |
Last load |
_dvb_ |
Column for row number, bk or hash in staging |
el[c]? |
Effective last seen |
v[hcp]? |
Full load validity flag |
raw |
Original column of converted field |