You plan to build an enterprise data warehouse (EDW / EDWH) or reporting for SAP NetWeaver. Don’t hesitate to contact us, as we have an automated solution to load, historize and clean your data. Additionally, you can combine it with other data sources and create your enterprise-wide reporting with a few simple clicks.

Start automating your SAP NetWeaver data in your Data Warehouse (DWH)
using Data Warehouse Automation (DWA) today!

Get a free demonstration!

Datavault Builder
Agile Data Warehousing – Simply Visual

The Datavault Builder allows you to define your business model and generate a working technical implementation in real time.

It saves cost, avoids risk and reduces Time-to-Insight by using automation.

By covering the full development and operation process, it replaces up to nine separate software products reducing complexity and improving maintainability.

Request your complimentary personal presentation today.

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